Protect Your Pet: More Shocking Facts
Ann N. Martin
Paperback Original ISBN 978-0-939165-42-1
206 pages, $15, Includes Photos, Recipes, Index
E-Book 978-0939165-71-1
In her second book, Protect Your Pet, Ann N. Martin continues her thorough investigation of pet-related issues. Not only does Martin describe the unsavory and unhealthy ingredients that can legally be included in commercial pet foods, but she also convincingly establishes that euthanized pets bodies are one of the ingredients used at rendering plants to create by-product for many commercial pet foods.
In addition, Martin turns a critical eye to the popular raw meat diet, questioning the health benefits of this controversial alternative. She also questions the necessity of yearly vaccinations, making a convincing link between increased cancer in pets and over-vaccination. Martin presents alternatives in vaccination protocols now being advocated by a growing number of veterinarians. Other health topics in Martin’s second book include the controversial use of Rimadyl for arthritic dogs, and the causes for bloat. She also addresses cruelty to animals, which is the ultimate health risk to animals.
Martin carefully and methodically presents her concerns, extensively footnoting her sources. She includes endnotes, an index, and a resource section complete with a reading list, web sites, organizations, and government agencies throughout the United States and Canada to contact regarding suspected pet food contamination. Her final chapter offers healthy homemade recipes, and alternative choices for readers.
The pet food industry and its allies dictate thinking for pet owners and veterinarians on feeding pets. Protect Your Pet discusses important problems the industry refuses to address. It also documents truths on other issues that veterinarians choose to ignore. This book is an essential resource that all pet owners should read.
Donald R. Strombeck, DVM, Ph.D. - Professor Emeritus, UC Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine
This informative book offers excellent information that will help the pet owner to determine which diets are most beneficial. Good health can only be accomplished through good nutrition.
Wendell Belfield, DVM - Author, How to Have a Healthier Dog
About The Author
Ann N. Martin is internationally recognized as an authority on the commercial pet foods controversy. Veterinarians and pet owners alike have consulted with Martin regarding the dangers of commercial pet foods. Her writings on this topic have garnered her special recognition from Project Censored at Sonoma State University. Project Censored selected Martin’s investigative writing on commercial pet foods as one of the “most censored” news stories of 1997. Martin lives in Ontario, Canada with several animal companions.